Subscribers may attend only at the invitation of a Committee member. When registering you will be required to enter the name of the Committee member who invited you.
The Twenty-fifth Assembly
Saturday, March 2, 2024
The Union Club
101 East 69th Street
Cocktails and Dinner 7:30pm
Dancing from 9:00 to 1:00
White Tie
I am pleased to subscribe to the Assembly. I will attend the dance and dinner with two lady guests at the subscription rate of $1,200.
LYA 2024 Necktie
I would like to purchase a Leap Year Assembly tie. Please note: ties are only available for purchase on-line to Subscribers prior to the party.
Single or Additional Lady Guest
I am pleased to attend the Assembly as a single doe / I wish to add an additional doe to my subscription. Includes cocktails, dinner, and dancing for a single lady guest at the rate of $400.
Dance Only Subscriber
I am pleased to attend the dance only with two lady guests at the dance-only subscription rate of $600.
Single or Additional Dance-Only Lady Guest
I am pleased to attend the dance only as a single doe / I wish to add an additional doe to my dance-only subscription. Includes dancing for a single lady guest at the rate of $200.